Instant Marriage & Divorce Records Search

Names, Marriage Date & Location, Divorce Court Case Details and more...

Get access Marriage & Divorce Records with one simple search!

All Inquiries are 100% secure and confidential, no one will ever know that you are searching for them.

Millions of Inquiries and Counting

What Can My Search Uncover?

With over 1 billion records, our instant nationwide search system allows for instant access to data from multiple databases across all 50 US States to compile the most comprehensive reports available.

Personal Information

Personal Information - Our accurate and up to date records will allow you to uncover hidden truth on practically anyone. Personal records include: full legal name, aliases, current address, age, DOB, Phone Numbers, Social Profiles and more...

Marital History

Marital History -Marriage records are an extremely valuable resource for genealogists as it may tie together two of your direct ancestors, and unlocking a new branch in the family tree. These records can allow you to access valuable information such as full names of the bride and groom, wife's maiden name, marriage location, date and witness names.

Marriage Sample Report
unlock a wealth of information

Find out if someone you know has ever been married or divorced and unlock a wealth of information on just about anyone.

Divorce Court Records

Divorce Court Records - Whether you are looking into the past of a potential personal interest or researching a friend or family member, marriage records are very important, since most areas require proof that any previous marriage is over before you are allowed to legally marry again. Personal concerns run deep when it comes to divorce records as they typically lay bare all the troubles a couple had before getting a divorce. Divorce Records can uncover all party names, dates, reason for divorce, divorce conditions, and much more...

Easy Access to Marriage & Divorce Records is Only One Search Away



Reports contain graphic and uncensored content, and display Mugshots, and real Criminal Records and offenses. Please use our reports responsibly.

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"I just found out that my ex-boyfriend had a lengthy criminal record. I wish I knew about this site before I even met him."

Catherin V. Glendale, CA

"Thanks Verispy, I had no clue that you can get so much personal information about a person without hiring a private investigator."

Michal R. Dallas, TX

"Verispy has been such a blessing for us in our small town and has helped cut down crime."

Tom S.

User's Words

How it Works


1 Begin by simply entering a person's name and state of residence in the appropriate search field

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2 Follow the simple steps to select the exact person you are looking for from a list of possible matches

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3 Access, view & download your full report


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